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International Computing Centre (UNICC)
Headquarter: Geneva, Switzerland
United Nations System
Geneva, Switzerland


The International Computing Centre (ICC) has 45 years of experience providing Information and Communications Technology (ICT) services to United Nations programmes, funds and entities. Its mission is to provide ICT services to the United Nations family, maximise the sharing of infrastructure, systems and skills and generate economies of scale to benefit its over 40 Clients, including 38 Partner Organizations (those with membership or representation in ICC’s Management Committee), as well as other United Nations or related not-for-profit entities.

We are all of the UN family we serve– and the leading provider of Information Technology and Communications (ICT) services within the United Nations System. Over the last four decades, ICC has been continually expanding the services it is providing to its Partners in various parts of the world, and in various areas of ICT.

As a part of the UN family, ICC espouses the same values that the UN embraces. As a service provider, its core values are unmatched and underlie its continued growth: trust, Client-focus, accountability, understanding cross-cultural differences, excellence, innovation and teamwork. This combination has made ICC the preferred provider of shared ICT services within the United Nations System.

ICC is committed to delivering reliable ICT services driven by best practices. With its world-class technology and state-of-the-art infrastructure, together with the vast cross-domain experience of its very knowledgeable staff, ICC is always ready to offer UN-friendly shared solutions to United Nations organizations and international institutions with similar missions and values.

UNICC is hiring now
1 job opening
Working at UNICC

ICC is looking for competent, experienced and highly motivated individuals, with a desire to become Intern​ational Civil ​Servants, who are prepared to work in a challenging and rewarding environment. As part of the United Nations System of Organizations, ICC staff use their many talents to serve the global community and to contribute to the betterment of human society in general. ICC has put in place a solid recruitment programme focusing on the skills that are essential to meet ICC services requirements.

IC​C is an equal opportunity employer​ and encourages a​p​​​​plications from all qualified individuals, regardless of race or gender. ICC staff are entitled to the benefits as defined by the United Nations common system of salaries, allowances and other conditions of service. These benefits are unique to International Civil Servants and are regulated by the ​International Civil Service Commission (ICSC).

Work Environment

Within the unique business environment of the United Nations, ICC needs to deal with a broad range of technologies. ICC’s workforce is thus required to be both versatile, in order to meet the specific needs of its UN customers, and to develop a broad range of skills. In addition, ICC places a lot of emphasis on operational excellence and the level of security associated with its services.

ICC’s broad range of competencies covers areas such as strategic advisory and Subject Matter Expertise (SME) support, Client consulting services, information security services, network and telecommunications, IP telephony, SANs, backup services, training, Quality Assurance, project management, Human Resources management, Finance and Procurement, Service Desk, Call Centre, virtualisation services … and more. In addition, ICC adopts best practice frameworks and standards such as ITIL, ISO, ISAE and PRINCE2.

Staff Development

ICC employees have developed strong skills across a wide array of technologies which allow them to provide reliable and secure services.

ICC is both a challenging and rewarding environment. ICC puts a lot emphasis on its staff development. Working for ICC, you will be given the opportunity to maintain and enhance your knowledge on relevant areas of expertise by attending training courses and by taking advantage of other learning opportunities within the work environment. ICC also puts a lot of emphasis on developing critical management, leadership and communications skills, and encourages its staff to attend language training classes to help with their integration in its diverse and multi-cultural environment​.