The UN System Chief Executives Board for Coordination (CEB) comprises 31 Executive Heads of the United Nations and its Funds and Programmes, the Specialized Agencies, including the Bretton Woods Institutions (The World Bank and IMF), and Related Organizations - the WTO, the UNOPS and the IAEA.
Member Organizations
The Membership of the CEB includes the United Nations; 15 Specialized Agencies established by intergovernmental agreements; 3 Related Organizations; and 12 Funds and Programmes created by the United Nations General Assembly. IOM is the newest member to join the CEB.
CEB Secretariat
The CEB Secretariat is a jointly financed office located within the United Nations Executive Office of the Secretary-General. It maintains a dual location structure in both New York and Geneva to support the work of the CEB and its High-Level Committees on Programmes (HLCP) and Management (HLCM).
CEB is chaired by the UN Secretary-General. It carries out its role through two mechanisms:
High-Level Committee on Programmes
The High-Level Committee on Programmes promotes system-wide cooperation, coordination and knowledge sharing in programme and operational areas.
High-Level Committee on Management
The High-Level Committee on Management identifies and analyzes administrative management reforms with the aim of improving efficiency and simplifying business practices.