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Consultancy to Support PPP Close-out and Sustainability in the Americas
International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC)
Posted 3 weeks ago
Job Description
Organizational Context

The International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies (IFRC) is a humanitarian organization established in Paris in 1919 after the first World War. It is the world’s largest volunteer-based humanitarian network, reaching 150 million people each year through our member National Societies. Together, we act before, during and after disasters and health emergencies to meet the needs and improve the lives of vulnerable people. We do so with impartiality as to nationality, race, gender, religious beliefs, class and political opinions. At the IFRC, we work as partners in development, responding to disasters, supporting healthy and safe living, and improving humanitarian standards. As a result, we help reduce vulnerabilities, make communities more resilient and foster a culture of peace around the world.

Our vision is to inspire, encourage, facilitate and promote at all times all forms of humanitarian activities by Red Cross Red Crescent National Societies, with a view to preventing and alleviating human suffering, and thereby contributing to the maintenance and promotion of human dignity and peace in the world.

What we do?
Our humanitarian work is guided by our 7 Fundamental Principles and centred on our mission “to improve the lives of vulnerable people by mobilizing the power of humanity” and focused on four core areas: promotion of the Movement’s Fundamental Principles and humanitarian values; disaster response; disaster preparedness, and health and care in the community.

How we do it?
The humanitarian assistance we deliver is carried out by networks of volunteers, Federation staff and Red Cross Red Crescent-National Societies. Strategy 2020 is our current guiding frameworks to deliver humanitarian assistance for the decade until the year 2020. Through its strategic aims and enabling actions we seek to organize ourselves effectively and efficiently. The three strategic aims are:
1- To save lives, protect livelihoods, and strengthen recovery from disasters and crises.
2- To enable healthy and safe living
3- To promote social inclusion and a culture of non-violence and peace

The three enabling actions are:
1- To build strong National Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies
2- To pursue Humanitarian Diplomacy to prevent and reduce vulnerability in a globalized work
3- To function effectively as the International Federation of Red Cross and Red Crescent Societies

The Regional Office for the Americas is based in Panama City, in the City of Knowledge. One of our key deliverables is to strengthen and support the National Red Cross Societies of the region to help reduce vulnerabilities, preventing and mitigating disasters, enabling communities to be more resilient and fostering a culture of peace in the region.

Job Purpose

The aim of the consultancy is to provide support to the PPP grant management team in the Americas in the consolidation of sustainability plans, information and knowledge management, and development of regional roadmap products for a proper grant close-out process.

Job Duties and Responsibilities

Key activities:

1. Consolidation of sustainability plans:
a. Provide support in the implementation and follow-up actions related to the transfer, closure, or continuation of key activities, ensuring their alignment with sustainability objectives.
b. Contribute to the elaboration of Resource Mobilization plans (mapping of funding opportunities, relevant stakeholders, market analysis, etc.) for the activities of the PPP that will be continued by National Societies for a successful transition into other programs
c. Follow-up the implementation of actions outlined in the closeout checklist within the sustainability tool, addressing programmatic, administrative, and financial aspects.

2. Information and knowledge management:
a. Design and implement a process for managing the most relevant files of the PPP at regional level, ensuring that key documents and information are systematically archived, accessible, and preserved properly to support institutional memory and facilitate future programmatic needs after the PPP concludes.
b. Support the development of dissemination plans to ensure the effective sharing of key documents and knowledge products generated during the PPP, targeting relevant stakeholders and audiences to maximize their impact and utility.
c. Assist in the creation of documents to systematically record and organize key learnings generated throughout the PPP, ensuring this knowledge is preserved for future reference and institutional use.

3. Development of regional roadmap products:
a. Facilitate and coordinate meetings with leaders of regional committees to review progress of action plans, ensuring alignment with the regional roadmap and prioritizing the products that are required for the closure of the PPP and phase out into other programs and funding sources.
b. Support the development of specific products, if required.

4. Other support activities as required by the regional grant management and SPRM ARO teams.


A degree in International Affairs, Social Sciences, Corporate Social Responsibility or other relevant area.


• Data analysis
• Research
• Grant management
• Strategic partnerships

Knowledge, Skills and Languages

Strong attention to details

Proactivity and willingness to learn.

Teamwork, well organized, responsible

Solution and results focus

Cross cultural experience

Sound writing skills.

Computer skills (Microsoft Office)

Fluency in English and working knowledge of Spanish

Competencies, Values and Comments

Pilot Programmatic Partnership (PPP)

In line with the objectives of the Grand Bargain (World Humanitarian Summit, 2016) to improve the way humanitarian aid is delivered, the European Union has piloted new ways of working with its key humanitarian partners globally, with more strategic, flexible, and predictable funding instruments. The PPP between IFRC and DG ECHO aims to enable communities and people at risk, as well as local actors, to act through innovative and integrated strategies to anticipate, prepare for, withstand, respond to and recover from humanitarian and health crises. The program has an estimated duration of 3.5 years and builds on the capacities and experience of Red Cross National Societies to work directly with communities, who are at the center of humanitarian action. In the Americas, the program is implemented in Ecuador, Panama, Honduras, El Salvador, and Guatemala. In addition, the European Union National Societies (EUNS) provide accompaniment and technical support to guarantee the quality of the actions and compliance with contractual requirements at the country level. At the technical level, the program is structured around five interrelated pillars that stem from IFRC's 2030 strategy (Disaster Risk Management, Epidemic and Pandemic Preparedness and Response, Protection and Assistance to People on the Move, Cash and Voucher Assistance, Risk Communication, Community Engagement and Accountability) and six cross-cutting components (Anticipatory Action, Climate-Smart Programming, Digital Transformation, Environmental Sustainability, Legal Frameworks, and Strengthening the Response Capacity of National Societies).

The PPP is currently in its third and final year of implementation (June 1, 2024, to March 31, 2025), necessitating a focused effort on ensuring the sustainability of its outcomes and the efficient close-out of the grant. As the partnership comes to an end, it is crucial to consolidate the investments made over the past three years, ensuring that the systems, capacities, and processes developed are seamlessly integrated into the work carried out by the National Societies.

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