Organizational Setting
The Office of Climate Change, Biodiversity and Environment (OCB) works to ensure that countries and stakeholders respond to the challenges of climate change, biodiversity loss, and environmental degradation. OCB provides a cross organizational coordination role on issues related to climate change, biodiversity and the environment, and is the focal point to major multilateral environmental agreements including the United Nations Framework Convention on Climate Change Conferences (UNFCCC), and the Convention on Biological Diversity (CBD). The Office also assists FAO Members in their responses towards the interlinked challenges of food security, climate change, biodiversity loss and environmental degradation, including through facilitating access to climate and environmental financing (such as the GEF and the GCF). In addition, OCB hosts the Globally Important Agricultural Heritage Systems (GIAHS) Programme, the Treaty on Plant Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, and the Commission on Genetic Resources for Food and Agriculture, as well as FAO's work on environmental safeguards.
OCB hosts the Environmental and Social Management Unit (ESMU). The ESMU is responsible for supporting the overall implementation of FAO's Framework for Environmental and Social Management (FESM), adopted by the organization in June 2022.
Reporting Lines
The Specialist will work under the supervision of the ESM Unit Coordinator. When activities are carried out in countries, the incumbent will require to work in close collaboration with the respective FAO Representation, as well as the relevant FAO Regional Office.
Technical Focus
The overall focus of this assignment is to support the mainstreaming and implementation of the FAO's Framework for Environmental and Social Management and associate requirements, as well as donors', by conducting technical reviews and providing technical guidance to teams in FAO HQ, country offices and/or field projects. Specific technical focus applies:
• Mainstreaming of environmental and social standards (ESS) into programming; ESS compliance review, and provision of technical advice and capacity building. Highly desirable: experience with independent accountability mechanisms, ESS portfolio monitoring, incident reporting, cascading requirements, and/or grievance redress mechanisms;
• Preparation of environmental and social risk assessment and management plans;
• Implementation (direct/indirect) of risk management plans (e.g. Environmental and Social Management Frameworks and Plans, Stakeholder Engagement Plans, Grievance Redress Mechanisms, etc.);
• Oversight of ESS risk portfolio.
Tasks and responsibilities
The Specialist will support the mainstreaming and implementation of the FAO environmental and social safeguards policies and procedures, as well as stakeholder engagement, disclosure and grievance redress at both corporate, country and project levels. Key tasks include:
• Conduct compliance review of FAO projects to ensure alignment with the FESM;
• Assess the quality of ES risk management instruments to strengthen ES risk managements practices across the organization;
• Provide technical support to project implementation teams to ensure compliance with FAO's environmental and social safeguards policies and procedures;
• Provide technical clearance to ES instruments, throughout various phases of the project cycle;
• Liaise with FAO technical units to advance the FESM agenda and incorporate technical inputs and knowledge from across the organization;
• Develop and deliver webinars on technical ES management aspects;
• Contribute to the development of tools, methodologies and guidance documents related to the implementation of the FESM;
• Plan and organize meetings, international workshops, internal and external seminars (including logistics support), acting as focal point as needed;
• Prepare environmental and social risk assessments, frameworks, plans, reports and instruments, and assist in the further development, refinement and implementation of FAO environmental and social safeguards;
• Support with content creation for internal reports, articles and other communication materials;
• Participate in project preparation and supervision missions, as needed;
• Perform other duties, as required.
FAO Standards and guidelines:
Liaison with the OCC will be maintained, either directly or through an agreed focal point/coordinator, to ensure compliance with OCC standards, appropriate review and clearance processes.
All communication materials will follow FAO clearance processes and comply with FAO standards, including:
FAO Strategic Framework 2022-31:
FAO social media policy and guidelines:
Social Media Branding Guidelines:
FAO terminology:
FAO Names Of Countries
Story guidelines, Story template, UN map standards, FAO logo policy and related branding guidelines (available to staff).
Further guidance regarding FAO communications, policies and procedures can be found through the FAO intranet, OCC section.
Minimum Requirements
• University degree in environmental management, social sciences, geography, agriculture, or other ESS related field.
• At least two years (for CAT C), five years (for CAT B), or 10 years (for CAT A) of relevant experience in environmental and social risk management, in particular application of ES safeguards to projects and operations.
• Working knowledge of English is required.
FAO Core Competencies
• Results Focus
• Teamwork
• Communication
• Building Effective Relationships
• Knowledge Sharing and Continuous Improvement
Technical/Functional Skills
• Combined experience in a set of environmental (i.e. biodiversity, resource efficiency, climate change) and/or social (i.e. labour and work conditions, community health and safety, land tenure, indigenous peoples, cultural heritage) safeguards standards is required.
• Advanced expertise in one of the standards is an asset.
• Familiarity with environmental and social safeguards requirements from the GEF, GCF, World Bank and other major funding organizations.
• Experience conducting due diligence or compliance reviews is required.
• Experience in grievance dealing, including dispute resolution is an asset.
• Work experience in more than one location or area of work, particularly in field positions.
• Strong multi-cultural communication and collaborative skills.
• Experience in emergency operations or conflict settings is an asset.
• Limited knowledge of French and/or Spanish is desirable.
• Limited knowledge of Arabic, Chinese or Russian is an asset.